Date Warp
It’s only a matter of time before a woman decides to take things to the next level and sleep with you. The only thing we are concerned about is, how much time will this take and what can we do to speed things up? Well we already know tricks to build sexual chemistry, how to go about moving through the different zones, breaking the touch barrier, and using body language in our favor to get us to this point. But ultimately every woman has her own individual idea of how much time she needs to have known someone before she decides to sleep with you. To make things more difficult, this concept is not the standard unit of time we think of as in hours and days, but some internal clock she has in her head.
There are many different factors that can affect this. A very religious girl can be hard to break because you are up against both her own individual views on sex as well as her religious views on the subject. If you do not share the same religion as she does then that may be a dealbreaker because you do not fit the mold of her future mate and partner and she will be reluctant to sleep with you. A girl, who is a virgin, can be hard to open because of her feelings of sexual insecurity and her lack of experience. A virgin might still be waiting for that perfect Hollywood moment of losing her virginity to the “one”.
On the opposite end of the sexual spectrum, we have the girls that everyone has slept with but you, that is until we start applying the basic principles of this book. This girl will be ready to sleep with you at a moments notice once you have made your intentions clear. It has nothing to do with having all the qualities of being the perfect mate, it’s just a matter of just being next to her when she decides she wants to go home and fuck.
Then we have the girls on vacation, out of towners, or summer flings. This can be when we go on a trip and meet local girls, or when we meet girls on vacation, really any situation where both parties know that no long term relationship can develop because you will only be around for a few days. These girls are also quick to have sex because time is short and there are no expectations of a relationship or risk of their friends and family being around to judge them. She can have guilt free sex because there is no time to invest her emotions. She is willing to drop all her barriers in the sake of having a good time.
Let’s go back and see how a woman comes up with this internal idea of time and how we can exploit it. The easiest way to think of it, is not by minutes, hours or days, but is to think of it as specific instances. Lets take the following scenario that we are all familiar with. We are out at the bar and we see a girl we like. We get her number, call her up a day or two later, and make plans for the weekend. We take her out to the park, maybe go out for ice cream, have some interesting conversation, but that’s about it. On date two, we initiate some contact, playful touching, go out for dinner. Things go well and we get a hug or a kiss for our efforts. On date three we go bowling, walk around the park, the sexual chemistry is there and we create the moment and get a very passionate kisss. Things slowly progress further and further, until one to three months later, she finally lets us in and we get to sleep with her. Sound familiar?
Well that’s a nice story to tell the grandchildren, but we’re not reading this book to follow the norm. We want instant results. We want to achieve in two or three dates what takes three months to accomplish. How do we do this? Time distortion. You see, when a woman thinks about a man she is dating, she doesn’t remember specific dates on the calendar, she recalls distinct situations. If you took a girl out to the coffee shop, the park, and then out for some ice cream, she doesn’t remember that the two of you went out last Tuesday, but that you went out on three separate and distinct experiences. Getting coffee is one experience, going to the park is a second experience, and eating ice cream together is a third experience. To the girl in question they might as well happenend on three different days of the week.
So how does this apply to us? By taking the girl to different locations she will start to break down her barriers. One date will feel like three. Two dates will feel like six. After a week it will be as though she has known you for over a month. From my experience using this technique, the average girl will sleep with you after one week. Now you may be thinking, this would work, but three dates in one can be expensive. Not every date has to cost money, look at the list below to see some potential free or low cost dates. More often, it’s the cheap dates that have the most impact because of the thought you put into creating such a great date for her.
1. Happy Hour, restaurants and bars offer half priced food and drink specials.
2. Get in touch with nature, search online for local trails to walk.
3. Spend the day at the beach or lake. Bring some firewood along to build a fire.
4. Explore the city. Visit downtown and eat at one of the local mom and pop restaurants.
5. Plan a picnic. Visit the local park, drive out to the country, or set up a blanket in your backyard.
6. Build a bonfire. All you need is some firewood.
7. Go nostalgic, visit popular hang outs you went to as a kid such as a roller rink or a pizza joint.
8. Go camping, fees are less than $20 a night.
9. Go swimming at your local pool, lake, or beach. Bonus: check her out in a bikini.
10. Movie marathon, watch your favorite trilogy.
11. Write her a “remember when” note. Try to recreate a fond memory.
12. Take a scenic drive out in the country, pick a direction and go stopping at various stores and restaurants that peak your interest.
13. Go wine tasting. Most wineries charge a small fee for tasting a select number of wines. As a bonus you can take a walk through the vineyard.
14. Visit a local art gallery. Most galleries have at least one day a week where admission is free.
15. Go see a play at your local high school or college. Admission is cheap.
16. Paint a mural. Designate one wall in your bedroom to paint together. Repaint it white before bringing a new girl home.
17. Go undercover. Pick one person at random to follow. See where they take you. Once you can no longer follow them, pick another target.
18. Ride the bus and people watch.
19. Goto the local humane society and play with the dogs and cats.
20. Volunteer. Stay current on local events or charities in your area. Volunteer your time or help out. You may even get a free shirt.