Day Game
When guys envision themselves as being good with women, they think of the bar scene and being able to pull the hottest girls home from the bars and clubs. They don’t realize what a huge obstacle they can be up against, from the loud music, paying cover charges, stealing a girl away from her own group of girls, or even dealing with your own drunken friends. Taylor and I only go out to the bars or clubs maybe only once a week for four or five hours at a time. During the rest of the week with all those other hours not wasted at a bar or club we can now use by actively picking up women during the day. Day game opens us up to all the other beautiful women out there that do not go out to the bars or club every weekend. Some people just aren’t into the bar scene and you may not be a big fan of drinking or going to clubs either. That reason alone makes it that much more important to be able to pick up a woman during an everyday situation.
Day game is a whole different realm of pick up. While a lot the techniques are the same, how you approach women outside of a bar can be different. Women in the bar are alrady in a social mood to begin with. They go out wanting to meet that certain someone, or talk to guys, get drunk, and have a good time. When we see them out during the day, they are locked into their routine. They aren’t thinking, “That guy by the bus stop is cute, I hope he comes talk to me.” No they are thinking about whatever is going on in their lives at that time. When you do stop to chat her up, as you should never let an opportunity pass, chances are she has some place to be and as much as she wants to stay there and talk with you, she has other priorities.
With day game, we are not looking to hook up at the particular moment, we are trying to create a future date. A number close is your ultimate goal. You can get a kiss close from time to time, but how many girls want to kiss a guy they just met on the street or super market. Depending on where you are at the time, girls can be surprised that someone is actually hitting on them. It can be uncomfortable for them at the beginning of a day game pickup, but once they realize you are just being playful, they will start to notice what a great guy you are and start opening up to you.
With day game, time normally isn't on our side, so it is best to be as direct as possible. If you see a girl on the street, go up to her and ask her an indirect question such as, “Excuse me have you seen, or do you know where…” Stop yourself and say, “Wow, you’re really cute, I definitely need to get your number, my name is…” And go into your routine from here. You want to keep this short, maybe five minutes tops. Tell her you have some place to be but it was great meeting her and that you will be calling or texting her to setup a date later. On the off chance that you are both free, you can start the date right there.
If you are at the beach, lake or park, walk up to a group of girls and ask them to watch your stuff while you go take a swim or job. If you have a good body it’s a good way to show it off. Go for your swim or job and when you come back say, “Thank god my stuff is still here, I thought you might hock it,” with a smile. From there introduce yourself and go into your normal conversation, role play, and start flirting.
Meeting a girl out and about during the day fits in with a girl’s fantasy of meeting their dream guy. It was almost like it was meant to be. It creates a story the girl can take back to her friends, something she can make them jealous about, which raises your value as a great and interesting guy, and sets you apart from some random guy that she met at the bar. In addition it just makes her feel good. If you go up to a girl walking on the street or working in a store, and tell her how cute she is, regardless of what happens next, you just made her feel good about herself. That is a good thing.
Day game is about being able to adapt to your environment. You must be able to play off your current location, what the girl is saying, and be able to read her body language to see if she is in a hurry or not or trying to get away. If you see some girl sitting on the park bench it’s as easy as taking a seat next to her. If you are in a store and you see a cute girl walking by, stop her and ask her opinion on what to buy. “Hey you think this would look good on me? Really you think so, ok you’re now my personal assistant and today’s task is to help pick out a new wardrobe.” If you see a girl at the supermarket, grab an item off the shelf and say, “Hey have you ever made…I have a special occasion coming up and I need it to go well.” When she asks what that special occasion is tell her, “I have a dinner date with you of course. Hi I’m…” It’s all about being able to adapt and use the items around you. If you are at the park playing Frisbee with a buddy, toss it in the girl’s direction, “Sorry about that, give it a throw, let’s see what you’ve got,” and now she’s engaging in an activity with you. The most important thing to remember with day game is to be direct and honest about your intentions.
Any successful day game pick will require to do these three things:
1. Interrupt her routine
2. Get her talking
3. Create sexual chemistry
If you can accomplish these three things, you will be successful and you will be able to get the girl’s number to setup a later date.