Create a Professional Image

Create a Professional Image for Under $20

We've constantly preached that looks and style are second to your body language. Your Alpha Male presence and ability to create sexual attraction as those are what ultimately will win over any woman. In the world of business and social networking, your appearance matters just a bit more, as impressions are made within the first four seconds of meeting a potential client or business partner. Those crucial first four seconds will make the difference between you closing the deal and you looking for a new line of work. In a business setting you always want to dress to impress, and by this I mean you want to out dress your client by about 15%. If you out dress them too much you may make them feel uncomfortable and if you under dress you will appear lazy, sloppy, and unbusinesslike. Dressing 15% more means that if the other person is wearing jeans and a t-shirt, you wear a button up shirt. If they wear a button up shirt, you will add a tie. This goes in hand with knowing who your client is beforehand and doing your homework, just as you would in the pickup game, the know you more about your potential target, (cold reading, observations, profiling) the better chance you have at succeeding with said target.

Sooner or later throughout your conversation with a woman, it will come around to what kind of work you do. For those of you with a really sweet job you probably have already told her twenty times what you do for a living, which is annoying in itself, but if she's still asking you questions about your line of work, she probably digs it. If you are the one who keeps bringing up your job, she's bored of you and in another five mintues or so you will be telling some other girl what you do for a living. Now what if you have a real crappy job, or no job at all, or no job worth mentioning? Well you can still create a professional appearance and you can do it for under $20. What is this secret you ask? Business cards. Not just any kind of business cards, a business card that promotes you. What are you doing when you introduce yourself to a woman? You are promoting yourself and your potential right? To quote the late great comedian Mitch Hedberg, "I got a business card because I want to win some lunches. That's what my business card says, "Mitch Hedberg, Potential Lunch Winner. Give me a call, maybe we'll have lunch, if I'm lucky!"

So create a business card that will promote you. Let's say you have just gotten yourself a girl's number and she asks for yours. Instead of being like everyone else and only typing your number into her phone, say, "Oh Let me also give you my business card." You will stand out and she will definitely remember you more than had you only given her your number. If you are a student, how many other cheese dicks out there do you know have a business card? Probably zero because a business card is only something that is reserved for professionals. As girls come close to their senior year of college who do you think they will pay more attention to, the frat boy or the guy with the professional image who actually looks like he will be successful after he graduates.

What better way to make new contacts than to hand them a business card after meeting them, especially if you are in the market looking for a job. You won't always be carrying your folder of resumes around, but you can easily have 10 business cards in your pocket. Now that I've sold you on the concept, what kind of business cards are we talking about? I actually carry around six different business cards, based on who I might happen to run into at any point in time. I have three different professional business cards, one fun business card, one general business card, and one job hunting business card. The first card I have is of my publisher, Brownfish Publishing. It has all the standard info but my job title is Vice President of Marketing. The second card is also of Brownfish Publsihing but this has the title of General Manager. Based on who I am talking to and what kind of contact I am trying to make, I will give out different cards to different people. If I am trying to make a sale of the book, or I am talking to someone about an ad campaign, I give them my V.P. of marketing card. Or if I talking to a potential author I am trying to sign on with Brownfish, then I will give them my General Manager card. Make sense? I do this this because I want each person to meet to know exactly what it is that I can do for them. I also have a Get In Her Mind card with a job title of PUA. When I'm out at the bars and people recognize myself or Taylor, we give them our Get In Her Mind cards, because at that time and location, that is our professional image, not Brownfish Publishing. I also have a standard Nick Andrews business card to give to a girl which has my basic info, email, phone number, because if I give her a PUA card, she will be turned off easily. Lastly I have a fun business card, that says, "Nick Andrews, Golf Ball Whacker Guy!" The last card I have is my job promotion card, which basicaly lists what kind of future job I would like to pursue when the time is right, which is noramlly IT related. You never know when you might meet a contact in the field you that you are trying to get into. Even if you aren't looking for that job now, in six months they may call you up with an opening, you never know.

Now I know you're excited about this and you're thinking, where do I get mine? Well there are two things to consider first, who is going to design your card and who is going to print it. The first option to to design it yourself. You can buy blank business cards at any store that sells office supplies. These are blank sheets that will fit in your home printer. You only need to download a template for your word processor and create and your own. It's quick and it's easy and it's how I used to do mine, but after wasting all my ink and my printer jamming for the hundreth time, I decided to go online. Just google business cards and find a site online that will print them for you. They will not only look better, they have pre made templates where all you have to do is type in your information. A week later your cards will arrive in the mail. The choice is yours.